Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Time to Refocus and Start Fresh!

Wow, time has flown since I have posted on these pages.

I had open heart surgery and have been focused elsewhere since.

I am opening this Blog to folks outside the confines of our Circle.

I will be bringing what I like to call “The Way of The Wiccan Witch” to the forefront of these pages.

Please feel free to post questions, thoughts or topics for discussions.

In The Witchy World we often use the expression “A Year and Day”. I have seen published books in bookstores whose authors did not know what this means or from where it comes. So let’s start here!

In the Pagan world, of Western Europe, the folks were part of an agrarian society. They farmed, and gathered wild herbs, fruits, nuts and vegetables. They raised animals, hunted and fished. Fuel for heating and cooking was gathered and chopped and consisted mainly of wood and peat.

These people where directly connected to the seasons of the year because it meant their survival. They had to know when to plant, when to gather, when to hunt, when the fish would run and so on.

In their calendar there were 13 moons or months, each consisting of 28 days. This provided a year of 364 days. When it was discovered that a day needed to be added to better track the seasons a “Day out of Time” was added to develop the 365-day calendar.

So, when a Handfasting occurred, the couple would live together for “A Year and a Day”. If all went as hoped then they were wed. If things did not work out a Handparting was performed and there was no harm or foul.

Whether Wiccan or Pagan, a Witch’s training takes place over the course of A Year and a Day.

This is the way of the Witch.


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