Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Conservative American Political Agenda

Blessed 12th of the Ash Moon YOTW 2012! The Ash moon was so very magickal. I do hope that your esbat was wonderful.

Let's talk about the Conservative American Political Agenda as revealed by the Republican candidates, their political pundits, their political "entertainers" and their Political Action Committees and then review the agenda in the light of our Wiccan ethics as described by the Rede.

When pushed on the topics of Israel, Syria, Iran and other Middle East issues, the Republican candidates, to a man, have talked of unilateral action of war, lead by and paid for by the USA.

Have we not learned by Iraq War II? This war was conceived and implemented by fanatics from the Nixon White House recycled into the Bush II presidency. Cheney, Rumsfeld and yes - Carl Rove, believed that they could take the Iraqi oil to pay for this war of convenience. To do as they planned they would need to destroy a nation, so they exaggerated and faked evidence of weapons of mass destruction and lead us to war for oil!

The Republican Agenda will lead us to war again and this time I'd bet they get the oil! Of course if it's Iranian oil it might be slightly radioactive. Are we ready for nuclear war over oil? Really?

The Republican Agenda is perfectly clear in the goals related to American women as they will "put them in their place" and return them to the status of chattel.

They are openly working to stop this equal pay for equal work business. Then there is the move to remove a woman's health coverage for birth control. A parallel target of the Republican Agenda is to control the fertility options of women by forcing unnecessary tests, ultrasound and counselling prior to an abortion even in cases of rape, incest, deformity and danger to the mother. So, they will make sure that she can't protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy and then force her to have the unwanted child even if it kills her.

Meanwhile, no candidate has even mentioned removing Cialis or Viagra from a man's health insurance. It would appear that they are intent on having older guys at the ready to impregnate their helpless women any time they choose. If this isn't sexist then I am heir to the Royal throne of England!

The Republican Agenda is also anti-union. Republican Governors and legislatures are participating in union busting around the USA. This is an attack on the middle class. Banks and credit card lenders are able to charge interest rates which were once called usury and resulted in imprisonment. These same lenders who lead the financial meltdown are protected from audit and over-site by the very same Republican Agenda.

The Republican Agenda is truly racist, yes I said racist! Republican Governors and state legislatures are taking action to harass American Latinos at every turn. Meanwhile, Black Americans are being restricted from voting. Remember when Governor Bush's Florida turned Black American's away from voting with lies about identification requirements. Well, now Republican states are making these identification requirements law in preparation for the coming Presidential election. We have the Republican "Birthers" and the Racist Comments regarding Mrs. Obama's figure. All of this has been orchestrated by Carl Rove, cheered on by Rush Limbaugh and paid for by Political Action Committees and Focus On The Family as a part of the Republican Agenda.

FOR THE RECORD!: (1) President Obama is an American. (2) Mrs. Obama has a very nice figure.

Another assault on the middle class is the protection of our most wealthy citizens from paying their fair share of income taxes. My perspective is that income tax is a necessary pain in the rear. However, I think that all citizens who earn above the poverty level should pay a roughly equal tax rate with NO exceptions.

The overall assault on the middle class, who give their sons, daughters, husbands and wives to protect US interests at home and abroad is only replicated in the likes of Nazi Germany, North Korea, China and backwater third world nations where 11 year old children are turned into soldiers, terrorists or pirates.

Then, the Republican Agenda carves up the Constitution and Bill of Rights to allow religious organizations to abrogate and abridge individual rights in favour of religious tenets whether real or not. This is a necessary step if the Republican Agenda is to succeed in creating an Evangelical Theocracy in the USA. Of course if you aren't associated with the favoured religion de jour you may well be on the outside looking in! This is a lot like we see in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Republican Agenda? Really?

The Republican Agenda rapes the environment. They hide behind slogans and platitudes for American energy while they destroy mountaintops and surrounding forest ecosystems for coal. They frack shale deposits for natural gas while polluting water supplies and causing earthquakes for hundreds of miles from the wells. They even allow the likes of BP and Dick Cheney's Haliburton to unsafely drill for oil in our coastal waters. All of this for higher profits for oil companies who pay little to no taxes while making profits which are some of the highest in the economy, all the while receiving Republican supported federal subsidies paid for by our taxes!

The Republicans have pushed laws through Congress which allow for corporate tax deductions when American jobs are moved overseas while providing no tax breaks for bring jobs to America!

Republican states around the country are replacing scientific fact and history based textbooks with watered down and sometimes fictional textbooks for their students to be taught with. So if the Evangelic Christian organization wishes to teach that cavemen lived along side the dinosaurs this is what the text books will indicate. This assures that the next generation will be taught what is dictated by the Republican Agenda. Reminds me very much of Nazi Germany!

The demonstrated Republican Agenda prohibits Civil Discourse in our Political Debate. This began when Newt Gingrich was cheating on his wife by night and verbally assaulting President Clinton by day for his philandering. This has been expanded by the Republican Agenda and is now a standard procedure used upon the Democrats when they won't cave in to the Republican Agenda. Shall I point out the assaults on Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. There are many more examples if you look.

I believe that if the Republican Agenda succeeds it will result in:
The American economy and middle class will be destroyed and our nation bankrupted.
The US will wage yet another unnecessary war over oil which may result in a nuclear exchange.
Women and people of colour in America will be forced into a subservient existence reminiscent of the 1960s.
An informal Evangelical "Christian"  Theocracy will grow and be dominant in American life resulting in a version of The Burning Times.

Based upon this discussion I find that the Republican Agenda is not compatible with The Wiccan Rede.

These are the Ways of the Wiccan Witch. This is the path I have chosen to walk the days of my life.

Come, walk with me....

Brightest Blessings,

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Values and Focus

Today is Ash Moon 12, Year of the Witch 2012 - Blessed Be!

US President Bush II made his share of misstatements while in office - Goddess knows! For example "Deficits don't matter!" I think that time has proven The Shrub, or Bush II,  to absolutely not know what he was saying or else he simply didn't mind the aroma of what he was shovelling.

Another great quote; "Global Warming is your friend, after all it will give us longer growing seasons!"

What will it take to wake up America to the Perfect Threat to America which is Global Warming? It is, to steal a line from US Vice President Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth" but Global Warming has already brought us several perfect Storms!

Most recently, unseasonably early tornadoes have destroyed communities across the US with death tolls still being calculated. We have all seen the floods in South East Asia, ultra-frigid winters in the UK, Hurricanes, forests dying due to infestations of insects moving north and of course New Orleans devastated and still trying to rebuild. There are zones in the oceans which have turned so acidic that nothing can live there! Did you know that the jet stream is no longer centered over the north pole, but has shifted toward Russia? Need I say more?

Our politicians seem more focused on stripping our women of their rights and the destruction of the middle class while rewarding the most rich so that they may create a non-constitutional theocracy in America! These fracktards would create exactly what we see in Syria and Iran, only with their version of "Christianity" in vogue.

Global Warming is a serious threat to our society and it will take serious Americans Working Together For The Good of The Nation to solve it. I have always believed that this was the business of our government - Americans Working Together For The Good of The Nation. However, our focus and our values seem to have slipped and I am not so sure anymore.

Instead we have an old fat man get behind a microphone and tell lies to a duped  populace and then call an intelligent woman, speaking eloquently in defence of American women's rights and concerns, a whore. Then the old has-been of a fat man suggests that she should televise her most private moments so that he can watch! Then there are the Racial slurs about President Obama, the "birthers" and low class nasty comments about Mrs. Obama's figure! This is not my America, this is a country for which I feel that I must apologize for and am ashamed of.

Sadly, I thought, that when The Shrub was removed from the White House and replaced with an intelligent, well educated, well spoken and caring American, that the period of being ashamed of America was over. However, our focus and our values seem to have slipped and I am not so sure anymore.

What the heck is our Focus? What are American values today? Will we be led silently to the slaughter by the likes of fracktards such as Carl Rove, Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich? Really?

Will your city, perhaps your home, be the next to be destroyed by a freak storm? How soon will it be until the pieces of your loved one, torn apart in a weather related disaster, must be buried? How soon until your home is left an ugly shadow of what once was?

We must think, and we must do our best to honour The Rede when we vote, when we buy a vehicle, select our choice for energy and in the politicians we follow. For if we do not, WE will have harmed ourselves, our community, our nation and indeed the world.

Come on America, the fractards have had their joke and many have had the chance to laugh. However, the joke is over! Devastation by weather is now common in America and around the world. It is indeed "An Inconvenient Truth" but take a look around, smell the Starbucks!

Or, have we totally lost our Focus and our Values? If We have, then We deserve whatever comes our way!

These are the Ways of the Wiccan Witch. This is the path I have chosen to walk the days of my life.

Come, walk with me....

Brightest Blessings,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ash Moon 05, 2012

For information regarding The Magical Moon Calender, please email me at

Happy Ash Moon the 5th!

Response regarding my calendar has been wonderful. There are those who say it is beautiful and many are saying " Finally, a real Witch's Calendar, I want one".

I have my copy of the 2012 Magickal Moon Calendar saved on my iPad and view it in iBooks and I find it awesome. I do hope that you like it as well.

So, I decided to begin selling the 2013 version beginning in June 2012. I will stay with .pdf delivery, as printing is so easy. However, special orders on calendar stock will be available.

The next step is to find photos and begin working with the owners. I am so very exited and feel so blessed to be able to provide a usable product for Witches.

The 2013 calendar will include Sabbats for both hemispheres. This improvement will address an issue I failed to address when I created the calendar. If I am celebrating Yule were I live, Witches in the Southern hemisphere are celebrating Litha. Many apologies to all Witches south of the equator!

By the way, if you have suggestions for topics for this blog or the calendar, please leave your comments where provided below or send an email.

Brightest Ash Moon Blessings to Witches everywhere.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Ash Moon

The Ash Moon arrives on 21 February 2012. 
For information related to my calendar email me at:

I encountered a problem with Moderators on a Yahoo Group recently who claim to be Wiccan. The Mods were harassing members for making mistakes, not following rules which could not be easily found or talking about Witchcraft while the Mods preferred herbs and jewellery and I was moved to intervene. What follows is my response to them.


To quote from HPS Sally Morningstar's The Wiccan Way:

"All (Wiccan) Witches take an oath at their first degree that marks their initiation into the Craft. They thereby swear to harm none, to live in perfect love and perfect trust, to work on developing themselves to a greater understanding of their true nature, and to act unselfishly for the benefit of all. With these promises in place the Witch begins the journey of a lifetime.

Wicca is a tradition of respect and tolerance. This is translated in the Wiccan Rede:

Bide the Wiccan law ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
An it harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee,
so ever mind the law of three."

We further promise in the Long Rede to fairly give and to fairly take. We are forbidden to harm anyone by Thought, Word or Action.

These words are phrased oddly in an old fashioned way. However, they are the very backbone, heart and soul of Wiccan ethics.

I became a quasi-lurker because I have read all too many emailed rants, warnings and thinly veiled threats which are by their content, nature and intent contrary to the basic tenets of our religion and our tradition. 

If we turn our backs on these venerable ideas and ideals, then we can no longer be called Wiccan. If so, have we become a hollow sphere rather that a loving Circle of Wiccan Witches?

I would rather fall upon my very own athame than to break the promises I made to My Lord and My Lady so many years ago under an Autumn's Full Moon along the Snoqualmie river in a land where if one wishes to hear the words of our Deities, one need only to ground, be still and reach out to hear the whispers of true love.

These are the Ways of The Wiccan Witch. This is the path which I have chosen to walk the days of my life. Come, walk with me.....

Brightest Blessings,
Stormy )O(
For this email, I was removed from the Group. The truth is, some Witches just don't honour the Rede. However, they did clearly answer my question: A Hollow Sphere! 

Life is a journey,
Enjoy the broom ride ~
Just avoid kissing the trail!

Brightest Blessings,

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Rowan Moon

The Winds of Change continue to blow. 

From the beginning of my life as a Wiccan Witch I have searched for a Calendar for Witches, but have never found one which fit my needs and expectations. So, what is a Witch to do? 

Create one from scratch, that's what this Witch has done. The front page and the current Lunar-Solar Witches' month of Rowan is also attached.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.

Brightest Blessings,