Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Witches in a Mundane World 08/24/05

We are living in a world of extremists, and some are simply not sane! We can't change that.

However, we can change things for the better and in the process reduce the immense cash flow to the Middle East oil and jihad rich countries that threaten us with terrorism.

First we can put our farmers back to work growing our fuel. Crops such as rape seed, sugar cane, sugar beets, corn and even the lowly gopher weed can and should be the source of our fuel. Windmills need to replace coal burning and nuclear power plants. There are enough natural gas reserves in North America to heat our homes for dozens of decades to come.

At the same time we must conserve. Driving gas guzzling cars must become an excess of the past. High mileage cars like the new hybrids, European style diesels, and smaller Japanese cars must become the norm. Each time a driver puts 24 gallons into the tank you are indirectly funding terrorism!

What would be the impact of this agri-fuel revolution? There would be a near net zero addition of CO2 to the environment helping to delay and perhaps stopping global warming. Our economy would explode as our cash remained in circulation at home. Our military could return, as wars for oil would not be contemplated. Our farmers would prosper as we re-greened North America.

Then, we as a people must back ideals and policies, which we know are correct. Britain must leave Ireland and Israel must be encouraged to continue on the path to peace by giving the Palestinians a homeland. We as a people need to be the facilitators of this type of action around the globe! Imperialism leads to war, pure and simple. We are members of international bodies intended to deal with rogue countries and we must give them every chance to succeed. We must never create another Noriega or Hussein for when we do atrocities and zealots come home to roost. Only a nation intent on harming none will flourish.

Let us throw no more stones at our neighbors! Let us seriously work with the nations of North America on concerns of immigration, border integrity and trade. When was the last time there was a true and meaningful meeting of NAFTA to discuss these topics. Yes our borders are porous, but all we really do is jump up and down and spit at one another or even worse let anger spill over into trumped up trade disputes between cousin nations and long time friends. Enough already. We must create a full time NAFTA that has a home and operates daily. I suggest a Toronto location.

When the world knows that we intend no harm and there is insufficient cash flow to fuel terrorism we will become a safer people.

Blessed be!


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