The Ash Moon arrives on 21 February 2012.
For information related to my calendar email me at:
I encountered a problem with Moderators on a Yahoo Group recently who claim to be Wiccan. The Mods were harassing members for making mistakes, not following rules which could not be easily found or talking about Witchcraft while the Mods preferred herbs and jewellery and I was moved to intervene. What follows is my response to them.
To quote from HPS Sally Morningstar's The Wiccan Way:
"All (Wiccan) Witches take an oath at their first degree that marks their initiation into the Craft. They thereby swear to harm none, to live in perfect love and perfect trust, to work on developing themselves to a greater understanding of their true nature, and to act unselfishly for the benefit of all. With these promises in place the Witch begins the journey of a lifetime.
Wicca is a tradition of respect and tolerance. This is translated in the Wiccan Rede:
Bide the Wiccan law ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
An it harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee,
so ever mind the law of three."
We further promise in the Long Rede to fairly give and to fairly take. We are forbidden to harm anyone by Thought, Word or Action.
These words are phrased oddly in an old fashioned way. However, they are the very backbone, heart and soul of Wiccan ethics.
I became a quasi-lurker because I have read all too many emailed rants, warnings and thinly veiled threats which are by their content, nature and intent contrary to the basic tenets of our religion and our tradition.
If we turn our backs on these venerable ideas and ideals, then we can no longer be called Wiccan. If so, have we become a hollow sphere rather that a loving Circle of Wiccan Witches?
I would rather fall upon my very own athame than to break the promises I made to My Lord and My Lady so many years ago under an Autumn's Full Moon along the Snoqualmie river in a land where if one wishes to hear the words of our Deities, one need only to ground, be still and reach out to hear the whispers of true love.
These are the Ways of The Wiccan Witch. This is the path which I have chosen to walk the days of my life. Come, walk with me.....
Brightest Blessings,
Stormy )O(
For this email, I was removed from the Group. The truth is, some Witches just don't honour the Rede. However, they did clearly answer my question: A Hollow Sphere! Stormy )O(
Life is a journey,
Enjoy the broom ride ~
Just avoid kissing the trail!
Brightest Blessings,
Enjoy the broom ride ~
Just avoid kissing the trail!
Brightest Blessings,
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