Saturday, May 14, 2005

Witches in a Mundane World 05-14-05

Evil people create viruses and then innocent Witches and Mundanes are affected. That is what happened to me! I missed last week's posting as I was having my computer repaired and rebuilding websites. I believe that those who write virus and spyware code are terrorists and should be treated as such! Tomorrow, I will cast my circle - thank the Lady for all Blessings and Shield my Webs and computer from evil!

Speaking of Blessings, I am so very Blessed. I have a mundane job which pays for my lifestyle. I am enjoying having a on-line web store which may some day provide dependable income. My wife, The HP Lady Rowan, is busy buying herbs, salts, oils and containers in preparation of the grand re-opening of her on-line store. Lady Rowan will be selling herbal bath jells, bath salts, bath oils, soaps, incense, charms, and more. So we are moving away, slowly and logically, from our mundane sources of income. Our children, for the most part, are Wiccan. Of those who are not Wiccan, one is Pagan, one is Jewish and one is Episcopalian. We have seven children between us and are proud of them all! Our next step will be to purchase acreage for a Pagan Retreat, campground, herb farm and meadery.

We have our plan and are proceeding along a trail towards independance and self dependance. Our ultimate goal is to be free of the aspects of the mundane which assault our senses and sensibilities while maintaining a modern lifestyle.

Today, the government has stolen $3.8 Billion from Social Security for other purposes like IRAQ and the war for oil and Halliburton. Meanwhile, corporation after corporation is walking away from the underfunded employee retirement programs they have raided over the years. This boils down to the fact that there probably will be many retirees who have no retirement at all! So, we will work our herb farm, host Pagan retreats and campers, make mead, sell herbal products and Pagan eBooks on line and in this way, support ourselves such that should there be no Social Security for us we won't really need it!

What about you? Are you ready for your retirement? Do you have a 401K? We Pagan folk must take care of ourselfs and network together.

If you have questions regarding Pagan retirement, send me an email and let's kick it around.

Does anyone have information on Pagan Neighborhoods or Communities? I am interested in purchasing property near or adjacent to other Pagans and am having difficulty finding them. Not everyone came out of the broom closet and decided to broadcast it to the world, like me!

Well, I must tend to the garden. The sun is shinning, and it is a beautiful spring day - the Goddess is everywhere, so I must go out and enjoy her presence!

Next weekend I will return to my normal editorial News related format. I wanted to change gears this week and focus on my many blessings and get grounded again after the past few weeks of techno terrorism.

Blessed be!

Stormy )O(

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